This recipe makes about 30 lip balms, as long as you don't spill too much. Replicating the recipe takes no-time-at-all, so making multiple batches may be a good option to start. 1. Add the following ingredients to a double boiler or pan of hot water with a metal bowl. Do not try to melt ingredients in a plastic container!
2. Using a spatula, stir constantly until all ingredients are melted. Keep your heat at a temperature so the mixture doesn't solidify on the sides of the bowl. Make sure you're not scorching the ingredients, a medium-high setting should work. 3. Use a metal spoon to scoop out a small amount, and allow the mixture to cool on the spoon. Use your finger to apply some to your lips. If it's too creamy, add a little more beeswax. If it's too crumbly, add a little more coconut oil. The consistency of this mixture will vary greatly based on the brand of oils you use. You're looking for a smooth mixture that doesn't fall apart of feel "grainy" when you put it on your lips. 4. Once you've reached your desired consistency, add 25 drops of Young Living Peppermint oil, and 15 drops of Young Living Rosemary oil. Stir well. Do the spoon test again to see if the cooled mixture has enough oil for your liking. Add a couple drops of each oil until you like the way it smells and tastes. 5. Using a small measuring spoon (1/2 tablespoon usually does the trick), scoop the warm mixture into containers (we used tubes from Bulk Apothecary), being sure to stir well before each container, and allow to cool completely before replacing lids. If your mixture hardens before you can put it into tubes, then it's not warm enough. Turn up the heat on your burner slightly, and allow the mixture to warm up before trying again.
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This cream is very versatile. Because all of the ingredients are edible (as long as you purchased high-quality ingredients!), you can use this for chapped lips, cheeks, dry skin, face cream, under-eye lotion, and it's safe for use on small children! I carry a jar of this in my purse at all times, and use it for just about everything!
For each 4-ounce (or quarter pint) jar, follow these steps:
Recipe: For each half-pint jar, use: