Entertaining your ToddlerThere are lots of ways to bring fun to the days of a Toddler. I've discovered many things about raising a one-year-old, and a lot of the old wive's tales are true - children DO, in fact, love to play with the box more than the toy that was inside it, and a set of spoons combined with pots, pans, and metal bowls will often produce far more engaging moments than the most expensive toys.
Since I went the first 15 months of Lucas' life as a stay-at-home mom with no car (yes, you read that right, NO CAR), I learned (or made up!) quite a few creative ways to hold Lucas' interest within the confines of our tiny apartment. Very few of which involved television, spending money, or fancy things. You don't have to be the world's most artistic and creative person, or even be trained in education methods to learn how to actively engage a child in fun and educating adventures. Here are a few suggestions to get your mind thinking, and the ball rolling (pun intended). |
Toys with a PurposeLucas does have some toys that are just "for fun", but most of his entertainment comes from educational toys that we have carefully selected, and make readily available to him on a daily basis.
Very few of Lucas' toys have batteries, flashing lights, or play music on their own. The bulk are made by Melissa and Doug, which is a company that produces "classic" wooden toys, puzzles, art supplies and educational materials. |
What's better than FREE?There are lots of things that you can do as a family that are free, or cost very little. I believe that whether or not you're on a budget, sometimes it's a good thing to teach your children that spending money isn't the only way to have a good time.
There's not a lot to do in and around the Flint area (which is where we live), but I've managed to find a few noteworthy places that might perk your interest, and keep your kids entertained for a couple of hours. |
Toddler-Friendly Art SuppliesAs part of the lesson plans I created at the Daycares where I worked, I was required to incorporate an art project or craft each day. Not only did this teach me how to use everyday items for a new purpose, but armed me with an arsenal of cute ways ti incorporate handprints and footprints into just about everything.
Here are a few of the materials and projects that I'd recommend. Happy coloring! |